Friday, July 31, 2009

Is it Friday yet???

I have been very busy today re-organizing my studio, I have over 50 years of accumlation in there so this gives you an idea of how much stuff I have. I have decided to elimating everything but what I love to do the most and that is my beading, painting, scrapbooking and knitting. Anthing I think I can sell I will put on my ETSY shop, the rest my daughter will take or it will be donated.

I finally have my tables set up the way I like them, one for beading and one for painting, which will give a nice work area for both. I will take pictures when it is completed and put them on for all to see.

It is finally Friday, I took a day off yesterday from working and just went out and enjoyed the day. I shopped till I dropped at the craft store buying what esle but more beading supplies. (;
I then went out to dinner and for a nice long ride, the day was beautiful out so a nice day to enjoy the a summer day.

I can't believe the end of July is here already!! August begins tomorrow, everytime I think of August I find my self realizing I have to get busy with my painting for Halloween and Christmas, my two favorite holidays. This year I have decided to paint mostly ornaments since I enjoy doing them so much. Be sure to look for these in my ETSY shops in the coming weeks.

Hope ya' all have a great and safe weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have added some new Jewelry creations and charms on my etsy, also added some new painted pieces on my hand painted site! Check them out at:

Update on Gino

Gino has gotten so big, he is almost 6 months old now, he is very smart but wants his humans around him at all times. He loves to go outdoors and play with his Beagle buddy Jack which is a neighbor's dog. Gino is just starting to calm down some, I never realized pups were so much work! Geeeeze (;

Gino loves to eat, he wants everything he sees, of course he does not get much human food, he is up to 17.8 pounds already, since 18 pounds is an ideal weight for pugs we surely do not want him getting much bigger. Pugs have many problems with their joints and hips from being overweight so we are trying to keep him at his weight limit.

Billy, my dear Billy, was my pug of 14 1/2 years. I still cry and miss him terribly. He was my baby boy, a very gentle and caring pug, Billy was more like a person then a dog, he understood everything you told him. He knew his toys by their name and he had his favorites too. He loved to eat everything!! Pasta and meatballs being his favorite dish and chocolate too, he loved it! even though we know now it is not good for dogs and could kill them Billy ate it for years before we ever knew it was harmful to pets.

I wish we would have gotten Gino when Billy was still here with us as I know he would of loved having another pug in the house to play around with.

Gino unlike Billy, is devilish, hyper, a barker, and a wonderful watch dog, his personality is his own. I am adding a new pic of Gino, you will see how much he has grown! Watch his growth as I add new pics from time to time. Please feel free to leave a comment, Gino would love to hear them. (: